The Times-News from Twin Falls, Idaho (2024)

SAN SAN Tharsday, August 23, 1945 TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Eleven $33,000 Winans Estate for Niece Mrs. Viola I. McCabe, niece of the late Joel E. Winans, who died Aug. 18, filed a petition in probate court here Thursday asking admission of his will to probate.

His will, filed with the petition, names her as sole heir to the Winans' estate valued at approximately $33,000. Mr. Winans declared in his will that was not unmindful of his three brothers and sisters, but said that he was leaving his estate to his niece, who had been in their home since she was four and "who rendered great kindness to my late wife and myself." His estate consists of an 86 acre ranch located two miles north and CASH PAID For dead and useless HORSES COWS MI also pick up hop it they are close. PHONE US COLLECT Twin Falls $14 Geoding 47-Rupert Idaho Hide Tallow Co. four miles west of Twin Falls, 000 in cash, a Buick automobile valued at $1,100, and calves, stock in the National Farm Loan association, farm grown and growing, government bonds and mining His brothers were listed as George Winans, Erie, Will Winans, Buhl, and Bert Winans, Kentucky.

He listed his sisters A.S Mrs. Olive Sampler and Mrs. Ada Butler, both of Erie, and Mrs. Maude Able, Wichita, and a half-brother as Frank Tharp, Twin Falls. Judge C.

A. Balley set hearing Sept. 1. Rayborn and Rayborn are attorneys for the petitioner, Governor Grants Marine Reprieve Marine Cpl. Herbert Conover, 22, Sun Valley, who was fined $100 and given 30 days in the county jail here Tuesday when guilty to a charge of driving, has been given a reprieve his Jail term by Gov.

Charles C. Gossett, Sheriff Warren W. Lowery said Thursday. The marine paid his fine and Thursday morning was released to Ensign Frank J. Sorger and PhM H.

H. Savelberg, Sun Valley, for return to the naval base. Corporal Conover, veteran of the Pacific war, suffered a fractured collar bone in a wreck that brought Injuries to five other persons. FUTURE SCOUT MEETINGS The Twin Falls district Scouts' board of review will meet Sept. 12, 8 p.

m. in the courthouse. Scout executive Ray Balmforth said Thursday. Awards to be presented at a Sept. 26 court of honor, will be checked by the board.

The court of honor will meet at the same hour Discharge Asked For Ex-Teachers BOISE. Auf. 23 -Idaho 1 faces a dearth of school teachers this fall Just as it did last year and State School Supt. G. C.

Sullivan has asked the military for the release of several ex-teachers. He predicted the board of education meeting here Sept. 1 would the issuance of just as many emergency teaching certificates AS in 1944. The group will also consider the Installation of a naval reserve officers corps University in Moscow. which training.

would entail the construction, by the state, of a $60,000 naval science laboratory. The university has also requested the setting aside of $17,000 for the purchase of surplus property. Wife, Recently Ill, Reported Missing Lloyd E. Bowman, Challis, asked Twin Falls police Thursday to aid him in locating his wife, who, he said, left Hazelton Sunday to come to Twin Falls. He described her as five feet, four inches, weighing 130 pounds, a dark blond with a noticeable scar under the left side of her chin.

Bowman said his wife had been 111 lately. SOLDIER PROMOTED H. Wilbur McKay, husband of Mrs. Blanche McKay, 445 Elm street, has been promoted. to staff sergeant.

He is with the occupation army at Essenbach, Germany. Experts to Check On Beet Varieties Top sugar beet breeding experts and scientists of the western area will meet at the Rogerson hotel Friday afternoon, Harry A. Elco*ck. district manager of the Amalgamated Sugar company, said Thursday. Members of the curly top resistant breeding committee, the men will Inspect sugar beet plots and fields Friday morning.

They will be concerned mainly with the growth and characteristics of new varieties of sugar beets. Albert Murphy, local representative of the U. S. department of agriculture, has arranged for the meeting. Jerome Students To Go to College JEROME, Aug.

23 Among the students from Jerome who are planning to leave soon for Moscow where they will reenter the University of Idaho this year are Elaine Smith, Barbara Smith, Barbara Spaeth, Joyce McMahon, Joyce Cooke, Fleta Williams, Norma Ploss, Madelyn May Sanberg, Saxon La Turner. Mary Burks plans to enter the university this year aS a freshman. Jean Welteroth and Teresa Thorpe will leave for Marylhurst college, in Oregon. Miss Thorpe will reenter while Miss Welteroth will enter as a freshman. Gwendolyn Bott will reenter the A Albion State Normal Anna Lou Giles, of datienter Mrs.

Phyllis Giles, plans to enter nurse's training at St. Luke's hospital, Boise, this year. Miss Giles has been attending Weber College, and place. READ TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS. Ogden.

NOW ON BIG SHOW OF BARGAINS Step right up, folks! The big show of super values is now on. Look at the bargains listed, BARGAIN here. It's an event you can't afford to miss. Note the tire panel on the right. If you need BARGAIN tires price.

-get Hurry in! Western Western Giant or Auto's Crest the at a place! reduced COUPE Seat Covers CATALINA! LAKESIDES! TIRES SANTA ANITA! WAIKIKI! $415 $1295 PRICES te REDUCED FIELDER'S GLOVES Highest quality horsehide and only a few at this $298 WESTERN GIANT reduced price! Each OR CREST TIRES Here's a grand bargain in new tires. 6.00x16 size (OPA celling price SHARPENING STONES is $15.20) now priced at Handy, general purpose. A real buy. Regularly 28c! $1395 POCKET RULE OTHER SIZES REDUCED 30c. Now Handy 6-inch precision finished in black.

Reg. PROPORTIONATELY AUTO POLISH SUPER SPECIAL! Supreme quid. Regular price, 41c. Now TRADE- IN BOWL CLEANER SALE Easy to use. The regular price is 21c.

Now, each RATION-FREE JUMBO GOGGLES INNER TUBES Up to $1.00 Allowance on Your Old Tube Our Reg. Sixe OPA Ceiling Price. Trade-in Sale Price 4.75/5.00-19 $3.20 $2.70 $..50 $2.20 5.25/5.56-17 3.59 3.0 .15 1.29 6.00--16 3.94 3.24 .75 1.49 6.25/6.50-16 4.58 3.91 1.60 1.91 The latest styles! Protect your eyes! 7.00--15 4.69 3.97 1.00 2.97 at Regular price! 35c. Choose your pair now 17c 7.00-16 4.81 4.06 1.00 3.06 Western Auto Stores 221 MAIN AVE. E.

TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Colonel Tells Of Fast Work By Engineers Army engineers built a road in six hours across Luzon rice paddies, enabling our troops to attack a Japheld town from the rear, said Lieut.Col. Cyrus J. Drew. Wallace, at the Kiwanis luncheon Thursday in the Park hotel. After having invaded Luzon on Jan.

11 with the 25th Infantry division, the colonel said the S. doughboys could not take a heavilyfortified town by direct assault. The water and mud of rice paddies prevented any flanking movement until the road was built. Then the infantrymen attacked from the rear, and after six days of hard fighting, won the town. The victors were confronted with 1,000 dead Japs, said Colonel Drew, who was introduced by his fatherin-law, C.

Bowles. On the officer landed at San Francisco. "The west side of Golden Gate bridge really looked beautiful," he concluded. and fish dinners will be served at the Blue Lakes Country club, when the building and $35,000 road are completed within 18 months, sald W. G.

Swim, organizer of the project. The road will be on the northern side of Snake river canyon. A 50-year lease has been taken on the property, at a yearly rental of $3,600. The leasees have an option for another 50-year renewal, he said. Initiation costs $100 and annual dues are $50.

The membership roster is expected to be completed by next month. A visiting Kiwanian was L. G. Stewart and his guest was W. I.

Richards, both of Salt Lake City. Twin Falls members and their guests were A. J. Meeks; M. W.

Moore: J. A. Cederquist; Fred J. Burger, and W. A.

Randolph; John D. Flatt: First Lieut. Dean Sanner and his brother, Sgt. Galen Sanner, Buhl; Fred Abbott: L. C.

Tolman; Fred G. Graves: W. T. Conant. Jerome; Fred W.

Meech: Gordon Gray. Secretary Named At Wage Offices Miss Jennie Siggins, route one, Twin Falls, has been appointed secretary for the wage stabilization office here, Ira R. Alvord, area supervisor, announced Thursday. The office, located at 160 Main avenue south, will be open from to 5 p. m.

Mondays through Fridays and from 8 a. m. until noon on Saturdays. Previously Alvord had announced that it would be impossible to keep the office here open each day as his duties carry him into other counties. AUTOMOBILE DAMAGED Mrs.

Lucille Shelly, 340 Quincy street, reported to police Wednesday that a truck driven by William N. Cardwell, 285 Addison avenue west, damaged her car when they collided Wednesday in the 200 block of Quincy street. Police estimated damage to the Shelly machine at $50. CHICK HAYES SWAP SELL HELLO, FOLKM THIS HAYES This is a FREE service. If you have something to sell or want to buy something, just send details to Chick Hayes and it will be advertised in this column, each Thursday without charre.

For further information as to who has the following articles phone 73 or call at Hayes Hatchery Furn. Exch. FOR SALE 168 40-gal. elec. hot water heater 169 Elec.

Singer sewing machine 2-unit milking Willys pickup 170 Plumbing tools; blow torch; pipe wrenches; size 8 field boots; rain coat 171 3 sets red and white cottage curtains; Jars; 12-gal. stone jar 172 Day bed, mattress and springs; stand table; violet-ray lamp 113 '38 Nash 2-dor sedan 174 Large oil heater 175 German Luger gun, 200 law books 176 1-unit milking machine; portable phonograph and records 177 Roasting cars WANTED 178 Electric stove any cond. 179 Lawn mower and lee bor For Sale At Store Small white enamel range. Kitchen chairs, baby beds, bassinette, dressers, wool rugs, Congoleum rugs, typewriter, secretarial desk, clothes hampers, kitchen cabinet, sewing machine, telephone chair and stand combination, swing rockers, woven shopping bags, cabinet radio. Hayes Furn.

Exch. 460 Main Ave. Phone 73 Markets and Finance Finance Stocks Livestocks Grain Markets at a Glance NEW YORK, Aug. 23 (A) Stocks higher: motors lead rally, Bonds higher: late rally in rails. Cotton irregular: mill buying; commission house liquidation.

Chicago Wheat lower to higher: export demand and strong stocks. Corn unchanged to off; sold after early strength. Rye off to up; covering. Hogs active and steady; top $14.75, Cattle steady; practical $17.90: odd head $18, the ceiling. NEW YORK.

Aug. 23 -Brightening hopes for postwar business expansion touched off a substantial rally in today's stock market with motors leading the spring followed by raila, steels, mail orders and a wide assortment of durable goods issues, The bulge developed in the second hour after a more or less lackadaisical opening. Dealings were fast during the upswing and plus marks of one to live points widely distributed. Transfers ran to around 1,200,000 shares against 760,000 the day before. Bullish forces were impressed by speed in relaxing industrial controls and spurring reconversion.

Skepticism still WAR evident in certain quarters, however, and many customers continued Do hold aloof. Top prices for 1945 were posted by Chrysler, Evans Products and Sears Roebuck. Prominent on the push were General Motors, Studebaker, Graham- Paige, Santa Fe, Southern Pacific, Southern Railway, Union Pacific, U. S. Steel, Bethlehem, Montgomery Ward, U.

S. Rubber, Douglas Aircraft, American Airlines, duPont, Allied Chemical, Eastman Kodak, American Can International Telephone. NEW YORK, Aug. 23 (AP) The market was higher, Allied Sores Allis Chalmers American Airlines 66 American Car Foundry 54 American Radiator American Rolling Mills American 49 179 American Tobacco Anaconda 32 86 Baldwin Locomotive Bendix Aviation 54 Bethlehem Steel Boeing Borden California Packers Canada Dry. 39 Canadian Pacific J.

I. Case 40 Cerro de Pasco Chesapeake Ohio 49 Chrysler. Commercial Credit Consolidated Copper Con Oil Delaware 29 Corn Products 65 Cuban American Sugar Douglas Aircraft DuPont 68 Eastern Airlines 63 Eastman ....179 Electric Auto 63 Electric Power Light 12 Erie Railroad General Electric General Foods 45 General Motor Goodrich 60 Goodyear Git. Nor. Ry.

pf. Hudson Motors 30 Idaho Power 35 Illinots Central 31 Interlake Iron International Harvester 86 International Nickel Can 32 International Paper Intermountain Tel. Tel. Kennecott 36 Kresge 28 Lockheed Loews Mid. Con.

Pet. 27 Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator National Biscuit 25 National Cash National Dairy Nat. P. 11 N. Y.

Central North -American Aviation North American Northern Pacific 26 Pacific Gas. 40 Packard Paramount Pictures Penney Pennslyvania Railroad Pullman Pure Oil R. C. A. 15 Republican Steel 23 Reynolds Tobacco 35 Safeway Sears Roebuck Simmons 38 Socony Vacuum 15 Southern Pacific Sperry 29 Standard Oil Calif.

Standard Oil N. J. Studebaker 27 Sunshine Mining Texas Company Texas Gulf Sulf Timekn Roller Bearing Transamerica 121 Twentleth Century Fox Calif. Union Carbide Union Pacific ..125 United Aircraft United Airlines United States Rubber 61 United States Smelting 62 United States Steel Walgreen Warner Pictures Western Auto Supply Western Union 46 West Airbr Westinghouse Electric White Motor 32 Woolworth 44 CURB NEW YORK, Aug. 23 (R) -Curb: Am.

Sup. Pow. Bunker Hill Cities Service Electric Bond Share Electric Bond Share pf. Hecla Mountain City Copper Niagara Hudson Technicolor 21 Translux United Gas Utah-Idaho Sugar WOOL NEW YORK, Aug. 28 (P) Wool tops futures reacted a cent 8 pound in some deliveries today on commission house liquidation and Boston hedging associated with termination of military contracta for wool goods.

Estimated sales of wool tops were 325,000 pounds. Wool futures closed lower, July 87cB Certificated wool spot Wool tops futures closed unchanged to lower, Oct. $1,28, Dec. March $1.197. Certificated spot wool tops Grain DENVER DENVER, Aug.

23 (P)-(USDA) -Cattle: Salable and total 800; calves, salable and total 200 steady; few grain feda strong: good to choice fed light steers $16.75: comparable heifers $16: common to medium cows $9.50 to $11.50 common to good heavy vealers $10 to $14: common heavy calves $9 to $10: common bulls $9 to $10.50: common and medium grass heifers $10 to $12: common to medium stocker and feeder steers $9.70 to $11.50 good stock heifers $11.25 to $11.50: few common and medium grass steers to killers $10.50 to $12.50. Hogs: Salable 300, total 1,100: steady: mostly ceiling prices barrows and gilts $14.76: sows $14; few boars $10 to $14. Sheep: Salable 2,500, total 2,600 steady choice trucked spring Jambs $15: most shorn slaughter ewes $6.50 down. CHICAGO CHICAGO, Aug. 23 (A)(WFA)-Salable 4,500, total 9,000 steady; good and choice barrows and gilts 140 Ibe.

up at $14.75, ceiling; good and choice $14. Salable cattle 5,000, total 6,000 salable calves 700, total 700; steady: top $17.90 odd head $18, the ceiling: bulk fed steers $15 to $17.50: common and medium grassers $11 to $13; best heifers around cutter cows $8.25 down; very few beef cows above $18: bulk $9.25 to $12: practical top weighty sausage bulls $13; heavy fat bulla vealers fully lower at $15 down. Salable sheep 2,000, total 4,500: steady good to choice native spring lambs $13.75, bucks discounted $1: some mixed medium to choice offerings shorn native ewes $6.50 down. SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 23 (A) (USDA) -Hogs: Salable and total 100 steady and firm: few barrows and gilts $15.75: odd HOWS $15: few packages good feeder pigs $25.

Cattle: Salable and total 75; steady medium to good steers $14.50 to $15.50: good COWA and Heifers $15.25: light sort $14.25 common cows $10 to $11: canners and cutters $7 to $9: common to good sausage bulls $10.50 to $12.50 celves, salable and total 25; steady: few packages medium 300 to 340 lb. calves $13.50: sorts at $11. Sheep: Salable and total good 94 lb. lambe $13.75: extreme top choice absent, quoted $14; medium to good yearlines $11 to $12; common to good ewes $3 to $6.50. OGDEN, Aug.

23 (A) -Hogs: Salable 60, total 175: good and choice 180 to 300 lb. butchers medium $14.50 to $14.75: 300 to 325 lbs. $14.50 to $14.75: over 325 lb6. $14.25 to sows $13.75 to $14.25. Cattle: Salable 250, total 980: bulk of suply cows; prices mostly steady: good fat cows $7.50 to $12: medium $9,50 to $10.25 cutter to common $7.25 to $9.25 canners $5 to $7: very thin kind down to $4: no other classes sold: late Wednesday few lots merely good grass fat steers $13.50 to $13.75: medium to good grass fat heifers $12.50 to $13.50 common $10 to $12: one load good young beef cows odd head $12.50 grassers mostly $10.50 to $11: common bulls $9.50 to $9.75 odd head choice vealer: $15; bulk $13.75 to $14.50 common to medium $10 to common to medium stock steers $9 to $11.

Sheep: Salable and total 11,100: nothing done early asking fully steady late Wednesday fat lambe and feeders steady; ewes strong to 25c higher; bulk good and choice 90 to 100 lb. fat range lambe $12.85 strictly good and choice shorn ewes No. pelts $5.75: bulk $4.90 to $5.50: fairly good $4.50: bulk feeding lambs $13.85 load 74 lb. trucked in feeders $13.25. PORTLAND PORTLAND, Aug.

23 (P)-(USDA) HovE Salable 50, total 125: active: barrOWE and gilts sows $15; feeder pigs scarce. Cattle: Salable and total 150: calves 50 early sales steady with demand somewhat limited; few common steers $12: cutters salable down to $9: few medium steers and heifers $13: cutter to common heifer 88 to $11.50: canner and cutter cows $6 to 38: fat dairy cOwS up to $9: medium to good sausage bulls 89.50 to $11: good heavy calves up to $14: choice light realens quotable to $14.50 and above. Sheep: Salable and total 600 good to choice lambe scarce, quotable stendy lower range rather slow: few sales steady: good to choice spring lamba salable around $13: strictly sorted lots to $13.50: medium to good be $12 to shorn kind $11 good shorn yearlings 110: good ewes $6. Hardware Store Will Move Soon R. J.

Schwendiman, owner, of the Diamond Hardware company, 150 Main avenue south, said Thursday that the store Is in the process of being moved into new quarters across the street from Its present location into a building that formerly housed the C. C. Anderson food mart. Decorators are busy In the new location Schwendiman has acquired. Shelves are being moved into the new quarters for transfer of stock in the basem*nt and second floor of the present location of the store.

The moving job will take some time, the hardware dealer said, and he expects that it will be necessary to close the store for a week or 10 days during the final moving period. W. A. Van Engelen has leased the building occupied by the hardware firm and said that it would be completely remodeled after that, store moves, across the street. He plans to move Van Engelen's into his new store building by March 1, 1946.

COTTON NEW YORK, Aug. 23 (UP) -Cotton futures opened unchanged points lower CHICAGO, Aux. 23 (P) Grain futures climbed for the third straight day today, stimulated by strong New York stocks and reports of export demand and poor European crops. Rye was up around 2e A bushel at times, while wheat gains were fractional most of the session. Barley advanced more than 2c a bushel on reports that Canada has banned exports of this cereal.

Most prices slipped fractionally near the close. Wheat closed lower to higher than the previous finish, September December corn was unchanged to off, oats were unchanged to off lower. September Rye was to up, September and barley was to higher, September GRAIN TABLE CHICAGO, Aug. 23 Open High Low Close Wheat: Sept. Dec.

May July Corn: Dec. May July .......1.11 Oats: Sept. Dec. .59 May July .557 Rye: Sept. 1.37 Dec.

May 1.28 July Barley: Sept. Dec. May 1.645 1.64⅛ 1.64½ 1.63½ 1.62 1.63 1.615 1.60⅞ 1.614 1.53 1.52 1.52% 1.14¾ 1.14¼ 1.14% 1.12% 1.12 1.11¼ 1.10¼ 1.10% .58 .58 .55 1 1.38% 1.36½ 1.3714 1.31% 1.323 1.28% 1.271 1.273 1.23% 1.21% 1.221, 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00½ 1.01 CASH GRAIN CHICAGO, Aux. 23 -Wheat No. red $1.66: No.

2 red sample grade red tough No. 3 red tough No. 2 mixed tough Corn: No. 1 yellow No. 2 yellow Oats: No.

2 mixed 62e: No. 1 white heavy to Barley: Malting $1.21 to feed 85c to Field seed per hundredweight, nominal: Timothy $5.25 to red clover $13.50 $14. OGDEN FLOUR EA changed; MINNEAPOLIS, shipments Aug. 31,620. 23 (A) -Floor un- FLAX MINNEAPOLIS.

Aug. 23 (A) -Flax unchanged. Butter and Eggs CHICAGO PRODUCE CHICAGO, Aug. 23 (P) -Butter firm: 651.197 market unchanged. Eggs: 15,628 cases; unsettled; market unchanged.

CHICAGO POULTRY CHICAGO, Aug. 23 (P)-Live poultry firm 5 trucks, 1 car, 1. o. b. prices market unchanged.

SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 23 (UP) -Butter: 93 score 92 soore 48c, 90 42 Cheese: Loaves 28.2c, triplets 27.2c. Eggs: Large grade medium grade A small grade A large grade Potato and Onion Futures (Courtesy W. McRoberts and Company, Elks Bldg-, Phone 910) NOVEMBER POTATOES $2.65 bid: $2.85 offered: no sales. NOVEMBER ONIONS No quotation: no sales.

T-B Institute Set Here on Friday A tuberculosis institute will be held here Friday in the auditorium of the Idaho Power company under sponsorship of state health department. Causes, treatment and results will be discussed at the and afternoon sessions that admorning. dressed by Kathleen Norris, Boise, consultant for tuberculosis In Idaho, Mrs. Margaret Pickard, Twin Falls, bacteriologist, and Miss Frances Goodwin, Boise, secretary of the Anti-Tuberculosis association. meeting begins at 9 a.m.

All public health nurses, members of the anti-tuberculosis association and other interested persons have been extended an invitation to attend by Dr. G. T. Parkinson, director of the south central Idaho health unit here, Miss Dorothy E. Collard, supervising nurse at the health office in Twin Falls, said Thursday, today.

Twin Falls Markets LIVESTOCK OLD BEANS 200 to 270 Iba $14.76 Great Northerns No. $5,46 Choice butchers, 300 lbs. $14.00 Great Northerns Overweight butchers, 276 to No. 2 $5.30 butchers. 275 to 376 lbs.

$13.75 (S.x dealers quoted) Overweight Pintos No. 170-270 lbs. $13.50 $5.45 Underweight butchers, (Five dealers Light butchers. 150 to 175 lbs. $13.00 quoted) Stags $10.50 Steers, Erase fed No.

1 $2.00 Steers, grain ted No. 2 $1.50 Heifers, grAss ted $8.50 $12.00 (Two dealers quoted) Heifers, grain fed $14.50 POTATOES (Packed and Loaded) Packing sows, heavy Small reds No. 2 Packing sows, light $18.00 (Two dealers quoted) (Three dealers quoted) POTATOES te Growers) Small reds No. 1 $5.45 $5.30 Fat cows $7.00 $10.50 No. $2.50 Vealers 00 No.

2 $2.00 Cutters $7.00 (Two dealers quoted -these prices quoted Spring lambe $12.00 f. o. b. sale prices and loaded in can (One dealer quoted) Steers $9.00 LIVE POULTRY Heifers Brofiers, under Ibs. Fat CORE Fryers, to lbs.

301. Vealers Roasters. to 614 301 Cutters Leghorn fowls, under lbs. 21 Spring lambs $12.80 Leghorn fowls. 4 to 61 (One dealer Colored towl, 4 to 614 lbs Stags.

under 844 quoted) Ibe. WHEAT Stace, 5 44 The. and 110 SOFT Old co*cks, under 644 (Per bushel) Old co*cks. ibs. and 19 Soft whent $1.27 (One dealer (One dealer quoted) BUTTERFAT OTRER GRAINS No.

I butterfat premium (Barley and oats market fluctuates with No. 1 butterfat. sour 520 local feeder demand. No uniformity No. 2 butterfat dafly prices quoted.

May vary 10e to 260 (One dealer quoted) from quotation listed below.) EGGS Barley, 100 lha. $1.55 Large AA grade 506 Oata, 100 lbs. $1.86 Large grade A 48 Bran and stock teed, 100 Ibs. 12.00 Large grade 36c (One dealer quoted) Large grade 30c Medium grade Ale RED CLOVER Medium grade 32c (Per 100 pounds) Grade A pullet Grade No. 1, regular seed, $30.00 (One dealer quoted) Processed seed ceiling with process- fa*gs In trade 39c ing paid $38.10 (One dealer gouted! Eggs in trade be ALFALFA SKED (One dealer gouted) Grade No.

1 (100 (ba.) OPA ceiling $35.00 EGG POOL 1944 BEANS The following prices were supplied by Great Northerns No. 1 $5.90 the Idaho Exx Producers of Twin Falls toe Great Northerns No. 1 pool No. 30 In lots of 30 dozen or more: (Six dealers quoted) AA Pintos No. 1 (Five dealers LArge Small reds No.

Medium Small (Two rede dealers No. quoted) 06.15 Broall Medium FF GUEST SPEAKER The Rev. George G. Roseberry, district superintendent of South Idaho for the Methodist church, will be a guest speaker at the 11 a. m.

Presbyterian church services Sunday. Services are being held In the high school auditorium..

The Times-News from Twin Falls, Idaho (2024)


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.